Energy and Power Industries
Today’s power and energy companies face significant and wide-ranging risks. A rig accident or oil spill can have environmental and reputational impacts. Power blackouts due to aging infrastructure, weather, and human error can cause severe interruption to supply. Increasing political and social unrest may present additional challenges. Local regulation poses challenges for production and distribution.
- Energy
- Power
- Renewable Energy
- Industrial Facilities
- Constuction
- Equipment Breakdown
Energy and Power Practice
Can help you to navigate these challenges. We advise you on risk and insurance issues impacting operational and financial success throughout the entire energy and power value chain. By reducing your total cost of risk, managing volatility, and providing advice and solutions that enable you to invest confidently for the future, we help you to succeed.
Oil, Gas, and Petrochemicals
Our energy specialists are at the forefront of advising energy companies worldwide on the wide range of risks they face. Whether your focus is exploration, construction, production, or refining and marketing – single-location operations, new projects, or a diverse portfolio of integrated assets – our energy experts offer bespoke risk management solutions.
Generation, Transmission and Distribution, and Retail.
Our specialists help to identify events, issues, trends, and regulations impacting the industry. We can help to plan both traditional and alternative energy strategies. Our expertise is supported by industry-leading analytics, which can help project costs, losses, and pricing by coverage layer, and help determine whether risks should transferred or retained.
Renewable Energy:
Our renewable energy specialists are at the forefront of the latest developments in the sector. From prototypical offshore wind projects to more familiar solar PV plants and from 'frontier' territories to those with long-established power grids, our clients must manage risks both familiar and novel. Our renewable energy specialists can help guide your company through this evolving risk landscape.
Solar - Wind

The renewable energy sector is truly global, encompassing a wide range of technologies, deployed in all environments. From prototypical offshore wind projects to more familiar solar PV plants and from ‘frontier’ territories to those with long-established power grids, our clients must manage risks both familiar and novel.
With the growing scale and complexity of the sector also come more sophisticated risk management requirements and options.
Our renewable energy specialists can help guide your company through this evolving risk landscape. We specialise in the following key sectors:
- Biomass
- Geothermal
- Hydroelectric power
- Onshore wind energy
- Offshore wind energy
- Solar energy
- Wave and tidal energy
Solar - Wind

Service, Claims Handling & Risk Control.

At Aegis we’re committed to protecting you from the specific risks that your business faces, whether you work in oil and gas, power and utility, or alternative energy. With dedicated underwriters and a specialized claims handling unit, we understand the complex hazards and risk management needs of the energy industry. We provide tailored solutions that include superior service, claims handling, and risk control.
We work with a range of businesses, including:
- Drilling contractors
- Geophysical engineering and consulting
- Instrument logging or survey work
- Manufacturer/distributor of oil field eq/nt.
- Oil and gas well service contractors
- Oil field tool and equipment rental
- Oil or gas lease operators
Renewable and distributed energy production facilities are often situated in remote locations separate from where the energy is actually used, which creates additional exposures to severe weather conditions and other hazards. Theft of equipment or supplies, site security, and contractor competency are a few of the main concerns with all builders’ risk projects.
We’ve formulated our best practices through years of experience with project installation companies for multiple renewable energy technologies. AEGIS consults with our insureds to share this valuable expertise.
Builders’ Risk coverage includes :
- Construction All-Risk
- Erection All-Risk
- Physical Damage (Fire, Equipment Breakdown)
- CAT (Earthquake, Flood, Wind, Hail)
- Delay in Start Up
- Builders’ Risk can roll into Operational Coverage Terrorism
Builders’ Risk

Against Equipment Breakdown

No matter the size or type of business you own, your equipment and technology help keep your operation running. Without fully functioning equipment, how would your business fare financially? While standard property insurance protects you against external causes of loss, such as fire, losses resulting from equipment failure—such as a short circuit or power surge—may not be covered. Liberty Mutual Insurance offers packaged or stand-alone equipment breakdown coverage for these types of losses.
We identify your users based on their behaviour and figure out the best time and the best way to reach them.Each user sees a different personalized message.
- Boilers
- Computers and telecommunications systems
- Diagnostic equipment
- Mechanical and electrical equipment
- Pressure vessels
- Production machinery
- Refrigeration and air-conditioning equipment
- Coverage Options
Covered Include :